31. | Employee benefits |
The Group participates in the Alexander Forbes Retirement Fund. This is an umbrella fund arrangement created for the provision of retirement benefits. The Fund is a defined-contribution plan and is governed by the Pension Funds Act, No 24 of 1956. |
The financial position of the Alexander Forbes Retirement Fund (Provident Section): Italtile Limited is currently reviewed on a monthly basis. As at 30 June 2015, the Fund was found to be in a sound financial position. |
At 30 June 2015, 1 402 (2014: 1 182) employees of the Group and Franchisees were members of the Fund, to which the Group and Franchisees contributed R25 million (2014: R19 million) and the employees Rnil (2014: Rnil). |
The Fund is open to all permanent staff with their participation thereof being a condition of employment. Their dependants are eligible for death benefits accruing from the Fund in the event of the member’s death. All permanent full-time employees of franchise stores are required to participate in the Fund. |