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Analysis of shareholders

SHAREHOLDER SPREAD Number of shareholdings % Number of shares %
1 – 1 000 shares 2 038 61,18 254 633 0,02
1 001 – 10 000 shares 631 18,94 2 642 301 0,20
10 001 – 100 000 shares 419 12,58 13 391 652 1,01
100 001 – 1 000 000 shares 169 5,07 54 915 557 4,16
1 000 001 shares and over 74 2,22 1 250 450 005 94,61
Totals 3 331 100,00 1 321 654 148 100,00
DISTRIBUTION OF SHAREHOLDERS Number of shareholdings % Number of shares %
Associates to directors 2 0,06 746 273 615 56,47
Companies and other corporate bodies 117 3,51 7 443 094 0,56
Directors and associates 3 0,09 4 543 253 0,34
Empowerment 7 0,21 37 768 441 2,86
Individuals 2 648 79,50 43 952 392 3,33
The Italtile and Ceramic Foundation Trust 1 0,03 51 449 303 3,89
Italtile Ceramics (Pty) Ltd 1 0,03 49 876 528 3,77
Italtile Empowerment Trust 1 0,03 9 964 865 0,75
The Italtile Share Incentive Trust 1 0,03 9 922 234 0,75
Italtile Retention Scheme Trust 1 0,03 7 966 667 0,60
Italtile Staff Share Scheme Trust 1 0,03 2 737 417 0,21
Nominee shareholders 419 12,58 306 794 635 23,21
Trusts 129 3,87 42 961 704 3,25
Totals 3 331 100,00 1 321 654 148 100,00
PUBLIC/NON-PUBLIC SHAREHOLDERS Number of shareholdings % Number of shares %
Non-public shareholders 18 0,54 920 502 323 69,65
Directors 3 0,09 4 543 253 0,34
Associates to directors 2 0,06 746 273 615 56,47
Italtile and Ceramic Foundation Trust 1 0,03 51 449 303 3,89
Italtile Ceramics (Pty) Ltd 1 0,03 49 876 528 3,77
Italtile Empowerment Trust 1 0,03 9 964 865 0,75
The Italtile Share Incentive Trust 1 0,03 9 922 234 0,75
Italtile Retention Scheme Trust 1 0,03 7 966 667 0,60
Italtile Staff Share Scheme Trust 1 0,03 2 737 417 0,21
Empowerment companies 7 0,21 37 768 441 2,86
Public shareholders 3 313 99,46 401 151 825 30,35
Totals 3 331 100,00 1 321 654 148 100,00
Rallen (Pty) Ltd 746 244 490 56,46
Italtile & Ceramic Foundation Trust 51 449 303 3,89
Italtile Ceramics Limited 49 876 528 3,77
Tommaso Altini Trust 41 797 269 3,16
Old Mutual 41 136 521 3,11
Ninety One 37 917 374 2,87
Government Employees Pension Fund 33 420 384 2,53
Foord 27 197 443 2,06
Yard Investment Holdings 26 400 000 2,00
Totals 1 055 439 312 79,86