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Statements of comprehensive incomefor the year ended 30 June 2024

Company  Group 
Note  2024 
653  801  Revenue  3  9 282  9 340 
Turnover  3  9 064  9 136 
Cost of sales  4  (5 377) (5 185)
Gross profit  3 687  3 951 
Other revenue and operating income  419  396 
11  Management fees  –  – 
(10) (9) Operating expenses  (2 033) (2 034)
Impairment of property, plant and equipment  13  (15) – 
(Loss)/profit on sale of property, plant and equipment  (2)
Trading profit  5  2 056  2 318 
642  792  Finance income  7  120  65 
Finance cost  8  (87) (82)
Share of profits from associates and joint ventures after tax  17.2  12 
643  792  Profit before taxation  2 101  2 310 
(4) (3) Taxation  9  (594) (654)
639  789  Profit for the year  1 507  1 656 
Other comprehensive income, net of taxation 
Items that may be reclassified subsequently to profit or loss (net of taxation)
Foreign currency translation difference  (19) (42)
639  789  Total comprehensive income for the year, net of taxation  1 488  1 614 
Profit attributable to: 
Equity holders of the parent  1 462  1 605 
Non-controlling interests  45  51 
639  789  1 507  1 656 
Total comprehensive income attributable to: 
Equity holders of the parent  1 443  1 563 
Non-controlling interests  45  51 
639  789  1 488  1 614 
Earnings per share (all figures in cents)
Earnings per share  10  122,1  132,6 
  Diluted earnings per share  10  122,1  132,4