Integrated Annual Report 2014

The style. The passion
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Chairman's statement


This year marks the 45th anniversary of the founding of the Group in 1969, and the 26th anniversary of its listing on the Johannesburg Stock Exchange in 1988. Over this period I have witnessed numerous changes in the industry – and as many in this business – both in response to the evolving environment and in anticipation of what the future in merchandise fashion and design would hold. more ...

The strenth of our brands




System-wide turnover
R4,46 billion
Earnings per share #
57,4 cents
Trading profit #
R751 million
Total ordinary dividend declared
19,0 cents per share
Market capitalisation*
Trading profit
* Excluding treasury shares
º Aggregated turnover of the Group-owned stores and entities, and franchised stores
# From continuing operations


Group at a glance