System-wide turnover
R3,50 billion
2015: R3,08 billion
14% increase
2015: R3,08 billion
14% increase
Trading profit
R594 million
2015: R531 million
12% increase
2015: R531 million
12% increase
Earnings per share
51,1 cents
2015: 44,3 cents
15% increase
2015: 44,3 cents
15% increase
Dividend per share
16 cents
2015: 14 cents
14% increase
2015: 14 cents
14% increase
Corporate information
Italtile Limited
Share code: ITE ISIN: ZAE000099123
Registration number: 1955/000558/06
Incorporated in the Republic of South Africa
(“Italtile” or “the Group” or “the Company”)
Registered office: The Italtile Building, cnr William Nicol Drive and Peter Place, Bryanston (PO Box 1689, Randburg 2125)
Transfer secretaries: Computershare Investor Services
Proprietary Limited, Rosebank Towers, 15 Biermann Avenue, Rosebank, 2196
(PO Box 61051, Marshalltown 2107)
Executive directors: J N Potgieter (Chief Executive Officer), B G Wood (Chief Financial Officer)
Non-executive directors: G A M Ravazzotti (Non-executive Chairman),
S M du Toit, S I Gama, N Medupe, G Mtetwa, S G Pretorius
Company Secretary: E J Willis
Sponsor: Merchantec Capital
Auditors: Ernst & Young Inc.